Inspiration, Living Bold

If You Intend To Be Powerful,BE Powerful!

The Path to Be Powerful


It’s the eve of a powerful SUPER BLUE MOON ECLIPSE, time to review, release and move on!

2017 has come to an end and this is what I know about how the year played out. IT WAS HARD! So many of us experienced the same challenging year …coincidence …nope. I believe the theme of 2017 was clearing out the old broken bits, the old habits that don’t serve us any longer, and the relationships that keep us stagnant. It was like a chapter from the book “ The life-changing magic of tidying up” the soul edition. If it doesn’t bring you joy, let it go … people, jobs, places, circumstances…let that shit go! Time to make room for new experiences, for people that will support you, and for more joy.

No Time To Live Half Alive

The past year was like having a bucket of ice cold water thrown on me. My marriage of 20 years ended, and in that, I discovered that I was stronger than I thought. I stared down some of my deepest fears, was brought to my knees and clawed my way back up. I discovered I am a fighter, even if the fight had to be won with a cool head, calculated movements, and plenty of patience. In the end, I came out whole, better equipped to be my authentic self and speak my truth.

No Time To Live Half-fulfilled

A couple months ago I came across this quote in an astrology forecast by Naimou Jones ,  it made my hair stand on end and lit a fire in my belly! “There is no time to live half awake. No time to live half alive, half-fulfilled or half pleased. If you intend to be powerful BE POWERFUL!”

My soul was singing! YES!

BE Powerful

Be Powerful, embrace it, embody it, own it like your favourite pair shoes. When you put them on you are unstoppable! Great shoes will take you places…so will a woman who owns her power and is on a mission to live 100% full throttle.

I was inspired to take my self-care and personal development a lot more seriously. Investing in my emotional and spiritual well being has been an incredible journey of discovery. My beacons on this path, Michelle at  Spirited Healing and Amanda at Rise , taught me to trust myself and follow my purpose. It wasn’t always easy, I chose to do the work and trust the process that led me to where I am today. Standing at the threshold of the rest of my life, it looks absolutely dazzling and terrifying but I am awake and ready for the powerful journey!

An Invitation

I am on a journey.

I invite you to come along with me.

Some days will be messy with tears and anguish, lessons to work through and feelings to unravel.

Some weeks will be uneventful but sweet with the beauty of everyday life. Living and experiencing joy in moments and laughter like a balm that will carry you buoyantly from one season to the next.

It won’t be easy all the time but I promise it will be worth it.

If you are open- in heart and mind.

Open to embody that which may seem odd and uncomfortable.

Open to new thoughts and ideas so different from what the mainstream has led you to believe.

Open to growing as a person into the full potential of who you are meant to be.

Open to magic, miracles and the vibrations that dance just beyond the periphery of your vision.

Then I invite you to walk with me, be with and share with me the beauty and raw potential in this journey.

I am strong and clear on the path.

We can rest along the way but the momentum will always carry me forward.

I am ascending and the urge to be more, have more and do more will not be denied.

Do you feel it too?

I invite you to join me and together we will travel this path into a new age of consciousness and it will be more than beautiful.

It will be everything we have been made for.

By Selena Bruni

I would love to hear how 2017 turned out for you, have you set intentions for the year ahead? Share in the comments and let’s support each other on the journey. Selena

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  1. I love your invitations- these are great reminders about how to move forward.

  2. 2017 – what a year for unexpected deaths & break ups – and yet there were pockets of good times. Plenty of time for reflection. I wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous & stronger 2018! Things will get better & you will emerge stronger & happier.

  3. Catherine Moore

    It’s too bad that we have to go through such difficult things to put life in perspective. For you it seems like your marriage ending gave you a new outlook on life, for me, it’s my husbands’ battle with a terminal illness. It’s an individual journey for everyone, but it’s important to embrace what you learn from your trials. Never take tomorrow for granted, for some there is no tomorrow. Enjoy your life doing what you what, what you enjoy. Be kind. Spend time with those who are important to you, and make sure they know they’re important. Try new things. Believe in yourself. I like your outlook and positive attitude…you go girl!

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